Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well here’s the thing, I know I have not been writing about Gavin in awhile its just been so hectic and trying to keep up with two blogs has been kind of hard. I will get you caught up on some things that I have been dealing with when it comes to Gavin.

We are in our own place and he has made some really great friends here. He has even branched out of the train, sharks, and youtube, obsessions to venture in new interests to play with his friends. He has a new love for transformers, although this one I wonder if its to fit in with his friends? I will take it, whatever reason he has for the transformers it’s still good. He is also not really into mommy anymore, I know can you believe it, I always wondered how it would be, or if it would even ever happen that I didn’t here play with me mommy every 5 minuets. I have to admit I did get a little upset for awhile that he didn’t need me anymore it was almost like having postpartum. I have gotten over that and I am enjoying watching my boy “sew his roots” as they call it. With these new friends comes great things for Gavin, but it also has its set backs, for instance for the past couple of days I have heard the “take a poop” song in car song by none other then Gavin. I also have to remind him that we don’t call names like idiot and butt, hmmm…my oh my gotta love boy talk. The fights to have to talk about the fights, that has to be the most annoying thing ever. I hate hearing “B” “Gavin is being me to Luke”, or hear Gavin in the next room saying “hey I’m telling my mommy”, or “ my mommy said not to do that”. Sometimes Gavin can be a little bossy, I guess that would be the work to use. He is not when it comes to playing something he will either play with them or not, that is one thing about Gavin if he doesn’t want to play what they are he won’t, plane and simple he likes to play what he wants and if they don’t want to then he will play by himself and it won’t bother him either. He like to play mediator I guess, when they are fighting and if he is not in the fight he will try and fix it and get in the middle and I guess play my roll. So yeah I love that he has these friends but I really could live with out the fights. Ohh and transforming those stupid transformers sucks! Just had to get that out.
The only big issue I am having with Gavin right now is the going to the bathroom, or should I say lack there of. For awhile now I can’t seem to get him to go to the bathroom when he has to go. I have always had some issues with going number 2, but it was always in phases, he would go #2 in the toilet for a month or two with no problems then we would hit a phase were he would try and hold it and not go and then poop some in his pants. Now we are in the phase were he won’t go to the bathroom and I can’t get him to stop doing this. I do not get mad at him for this I tell him that I am disappointed but I never yell or spank or punish him, because I think that made it worse. The other day we went over to Brian’s dad’s house for dinner and sure enough Gavin peed in his pants and I was so embarrassed, he hasn’t done that in forever I have no clue why we have started that. He did that not once but twice that evening and pooped a little bit too. It was nice that I was with people that didn’t mind at all or comment on it, and when I was upset all he did was try and comfort me about it and say it wasn’t a big deal he just was to excited and having fun to stop. I know that is what most of this is, that he really just doesn’t want to be bothered with going to the bathroom. It’s like I know the problem but yet I can’t seem to think of a good way to fix it. I have other great news about Gavin, I have an appt to have him evaluated at the CDRC on the 17th before school starts. I am so excited!!! I really feel that only good things can come from this and I will do everything I can to get him the therapy he needs. I can only do so much at home, I do the best I can with him but there are certain areas that I need professional help with. So I will be writhing soon about what happened with the evaluation.